1. Free Paper Presentation & Free Poster Presentation for Post Graduates planned timing will be 5-7 minutes (subject to change after the final programme schedule)
  2. Presenting author should be associate member of TNOA and he should mention the membership number during abstract submission
  3. The presenter should have registered in the MIDYEARCON
  4. Only online submission of abstract is allowed
  5. The abstract should be sent to e-mail ID:
  6. Last date of abstract submission is 12th June 2024
  7. Posters are E posters. And should be submitted as 5 power point slides
  8. The scientific committee reserves the right to accept or reject any paper or put into any of the categories without assigning any reason
  9. The Abstract should be divided into the following headings
    A] Introduction
    B] Aim of the study
    C] Materials and methods
    D] Results
    E] Conclusions
  10.  A presenter may present only one paper. Additional posters can be presented
  11. Members of the scientific committee will review all Abstract submissions.
  12. Review Acceptance & Notification acknowledgement of receipt will be sent via e-mail.
  13. For any queries, regarding Poster (or) Paper Presentation